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So you want to be a Scout?


August 2022 - So you want to be a Scout?

Written by: Adam Riedel, Scoutmaster Troop 899

The uniforms, the mantras that get recited at the beginning of every meeting, the organization, the chaos, it’s enough to make anyone’s head swim. But, joining a Scouts BSA Troop can really be as simple as showing up to a meeting and filling out the paperwork, however, you really should put a lot more thought into that and ask at least a few questions. Whether you have been in Cub Scouts for several years and you are looking to cross over soon to a Scouts BSA program, or you have never experienced Scouting before, this transition can be smooth, even if it seems daunting. Here are some words of guidance to help you make the best decision for you!

From hiking, fishing, camping, fire building, knot tying, and cooking, you will learn many valuable skills through your Scouting journey. Scouting will help you gain self-confidence and leadership skills that help you excel later in life. Pair that with friendships that last a lifetime, and the Scouting program is a life-changing program that is perfect for everyone!

The first thing on your to-do list is to find and visit as many Scouts BSA Troops as reasonable. For some geographic areas, this may not be plausible, but in the Myrtle Beach area, we have several Troops available for a new Scout. Each of our units does things a little differently, even though we focus on delivering the same program. If you can visit multiple units, you have the opportunity to find the best fit for your personality and needs. Do you have friends in Scouting? Ask them about their Scouting unit. Find out what they like about it? Does it sound fun? Make sure to visit that unit! Scouting is more fun with friends! Do you have a friend who isn’t in Scouting but loves the outdoors? Invite them to join your troop!

How do you find Troops local to your area? Visit It will provide you with all kinds of basic information for units in the area. Once you make a list of the units you are going to visit, reach out to their adult leadership. We all have contact information that is kept up to date on the website so you can do just that. Ask questions! We love Scouting and stand behind the program and the lessons it teaches and we are happy to share personal experiences and information to help you make your decision!

What questions am I supposed to ask? Here are some of the more common questions we get asked to help you get started with answers on ho

w Troop 899 performs.

  • What ages are the Scouts in your unit?

    • Our Scouts are 11-17 years old.

  • Are you a coed unit?

    • Scouts BSA does include girls, but Boys Troops and Girls Troops are kept separate

    • Troop 899 is a boys-only unit.

  • How do you decide what kids go into what patrols?

    • There is no short answer to this question, but we start by looking at the number of Scouts already in patrols. If there is a patrol that is smaller than another, that will be a primary consideration.

    • We also tend to break up close friends and put them in separate patrols. We do this because it has been our experience that doing this brings our whole troop closer together. It might sound crazy but it works.

    • Does the new Scout get along with the members of the potential patrol? Do they have similar likes/dislikes? What is the level of experience in the patrol? All of these things go into the decision on what patrol the new Scout gets placed into.

  • What kind of communication do you have for parents?

    • We use email through Scoutbook, Facebook, the Remind app, and our website

  • Do you allow volunteers to go camping or summer camp to help if they aren’t leaders?

    • Scouts BSA has policies in place to protect our Scouts. Our unit requires our volunteers to be registered with National BSA and to complete the Youth Protection Training before they are allowed to join us at events.

  • How often do you camp?

    • We camp every month from October thru June.

    • We camp through just about everything. Very rarely will we cancel an event.

  • Do you provide the gear?

    • Scouts are required to provide their own personal gear (tent, sleeping bag, backpack etc). The troop does provide all cooking equipment.

  • How does your Troop handle advancement?

    • We focus on high-quality programming through our Patrol Leaders Council. If a Scout has good attendance they will move through the advancement requirements.

    • Our goal is that every Scout is provided enough opportunities to earn their 1st Class rank by the end of their second year with the Troop. This gives the Scout the time needed to master the skills associated with Scouting.

  • What about uniforms?

    • Our Scouts are required to wear the Class A uniform to all meetings. They also have a Class B troop t-shirt to be worn to events and campouts.

  • What participation or training is expected of parents?

    • The role of parents within Troop 899 is to be supportive of the Troop’s efforts and to provide the atmosphere Scouts need to learn and excel. Parents should try to:

      • Read their Scout's handbook and understand the purpose and methods of Scouting.

      • Actively follow their Scout's progress and offer encouragement and a push when needed.

      • Show support to both the individual Scout and the Troop by attending all Troop Courts of Honor.

      • Assist in Troop fund-raisers and other such activities.

      • Be aware of the Troop Events Calendar.

      • Consider serving as Merit Badge Counselor in areas in which they have specialized knowledge and skills. See for the 135 merit badges.

      • Consider volunteering to be a member of the Troop Committee (see below).

      • Consider volunteering to be a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster

      • Attend Troop 899 parent meetings

      • Complete Online Youth Protection Training

Scouting is a fantastic program for young people with all sorts of interests and all levels of skills. It is a great opportunity to learn new things and develop skills that will help you later in life. We get to follow a program that is designed to present surmountable challenges for each Scout to overcome, learn from and grow as a result of. Scouting is for everyone. If you are looking for a Troop, we hope you will consider Troop 899!

If you are interested in Troop 899 but still have some questions, click on the "Contact Us" tab and send us an email! We would be happy to answer any questions you have and invite you to a meeting!



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