December 2022 - Stay Warm During Cold Weather Camping
Written by: Adam Riedel, Scoutmaster Troop 899
There isn’t anything like it. Cold nights, the fresh and clean scent of pine trees, the quietness of the clear sky. But none of that matters when the temperatures plummet. Staying warm while camping in cool or cold weather doesn’t sound like a difficult task however, if you get it wrong it can really ruin your adventure. If you plan ahead, not only will you stay warm, but you will enjoy your trip! Here are a few ways for you to beat the cold!
Keep an eye on the weather for several days leading up to your activity. Know if it is going to rain, if it is going to be windy, know what the temperature is estimated to be. Knowing these things will help you pack correctly and ensure you have the items you need to be successful.
T-shirt, long sleeve shirt, Sweatshirt etc. Slightly loose fitting clothing is ideal and using multiple layers allow the warm air to be trapped in between the layers keeping you warmer longer. Another extremely important component to layers: Rain Gear! I have been preaching to our Scouts for as long as I have been with the troop that they should always bring rain gear with them to every campout. Utilizing rain gear as a layer just makes good sense. It stops the wind, keeps warm air trapped to your body, keeps you dry, can easily be removed if you get too warm, and it is far cheaper than buying a heavy winter coat that we will rarely, if ever use in South Carolina. Rain gear is an EXTREMELY important component.
This should go with out saying, but the quickest way to get cold is to get wet. But it goes far beyond staying out of the streams and lakes. If you dress in layers like you have been encouraged to do, it is possible your body will be too warm, which will cause you to sweat. Its is important to self monitor your warm and shed layers when necessary, It is also important to change out of any clothing you wore during the day before you go to bed. Make sure that you wear fresh dry clothing to bed.
Last month I wrote about setting up your tent right. Check that out here: https://www.bsatroop899.org/post/set-your-tent-up-right But setting up your tent correctly is only part of it. It is important to not have a tent that is too big. Too much tent means too much cold ari close to you. A smaller tent will warm up faster, but having the appropriate sleeping pad and sleeping bag are very important. When looking at your sleeping bag it is important to note the temperature rating on the bag. A 30 degree rating does not mean that it will keep you wam at 30 degrees. Make sure your sleeping bag temperature rating is at least 10 - 15 degrees lower than what you expect the coldest night to be. You also need to make sure you have a ground cover to keep your body warmth in the sleeping back and in your body. The ground gets cold quickly and will draw warmth out of your body. Using something as simple as a blue foam pad will make your night much more comfortable. If you choose to use an inflatable sleeping pad you will want to make sure it is an insulated pad, or cover it with a blanket before putting your sleeping bag on it. You want to set up your sleeping bag as quickly as possible so that the insulation has a chance to loft and keep you warm at night.
Drink water, drink water, drink water. Just make sure you are also using the bathroom. When it is cold, it is hard to know if you are getting dehydrated, so just make sure you are taking drinks on a regular basis.
Don’t stand by the fire, that only warms your surface. Go for a short walk. Go to the bathroom. Go for a walk. Take a drink and then get inside your tent. Starting warm, will help you stay warm.
When you go to bed, put the clothes you plan to wear tomorrow in the bottom of your sleeping bag. It will fill up some of the empty space in your sleeping bag and make sure they are warm for you in the morning. This will make for a much happier morning.
Winter camping is an amazing experience. If you are willing to follow these tips to stay warm, you will not only be more comfortable, but you will truly get to enjoy your outdoor expereince.