Charter Organization Representative
Bill K.
Mr. Bill has been an integral part of Troop 899 for more than a decade. Having served as a Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster before accepting the role of COR, Bill has a strong passion for Scouting. Mr.Bill was a Scout as a youth and was able to achieve the Life Rank. He has two sons that were involved in Scouting. Both able to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.

Troop Committee Chair
Michelle M.
Michelle has been a member of Troop 899 since 2020. She initially served as a Committee Member at large, prior to moving into the Committee Chair role. Michelle has served as a Committee Member, Treasurer, Advancement Chair, and Committee Chair for a local Cub Scout Pack and is currently also serving as the Chicora District Commissioner. Michelle has more than a decade of service to Scouting.

Adam Riedel
Adam has more than 20 years of experience in Scouting. He started as a Tiger Cub and earned his Arrow of Light prior to moving to Scouts BSA to pursue and eventually earn the rank of Eagle Scout. Adam was inducted into the Order of the Arrow in 1995 is a major supporter of the Order's goal of developing new youth leadership talent. Adam has served many roles in Scouting including: Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Den Chief, Senior Patrol Leader, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, Den Leader, Assistant Cubmaster, Cubmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster and Scouts BSA Breakout Commissioner.

Assistant Scoutmaster
Doug G.
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Assistant Scoutmaster
Dan S.
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Advancement Chair
Scott B.
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Troop Committee Member
Doug D.
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Troop Committee Member
David H.
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